City of Hatton, North Dakota

   15.1°   Mostly Cloudy and Breezy

Resident Information

Below is helpful community information.  If you are a new Hatton resident, welcome to our community. We hope you and your family enjoy your new home.  Feel free to attend any of the city meetings as your thoughts and comments are welcome.  Hatton is a city with its own ordinances and laws to follow.  If there are any questions, please feel free to contact anyone listed above or the city office during working hours.   If there are any further questions, feel free to call any City Council Member.

 Building Permits

The city requires building permits.  Please contact the city office to see if your project requires one.

We hope we have answered most of your questions.  Feel free to attend any of the city meetings as your thoughts and comments are welcome.  Hatton is a city with its own ordinances and laws to follow.  If there are any questions, please feel free to contact anyone listed above or the city office during working hours.

 Call Before You Dig - 811

Please call this number 48 hours before you plan to do any building, landscaping, digging for fence posts, etc. They will locate all utility lines in your yard.

 City Sales Tax

Total Sales tax revenues the City receives from the State Treasurers is 2% of the City Sales Taxes collected by the State from the City of Hatton.

1% of this is used for the maintenance, upkeep and overall management of the City swimming pool.

25% of the 2% is given to the Hatton Economic Development as part of Our Home rule Charter City Agreements And the last 75% stays in the City’s Sales Tax Revenues Fund for items that the City may need to purchase from that fund.


The City's Curfew Ordinance is year round.  Anyone under the age of 18 is must be off the streets by 10:00 PM (at the sound of siren).


Elections are held every two years.   Voting is done in Hillsboro, Mayville or with an absentee ballot.

 Garbage Day

Every Tuesday.  The garbage must be placed in the containers provided by the City.  Any trash lying outside of the garbage can will not be picked up.  All containers and garbage must be stored away from the curb side and off of the street until garbage day.  


We require that all of your pets are registered and receive a license tag from the city office. We also require an updated health certificate from your veterinarian.  The license is free.   Pets must be leashed or in an enclosed area as they are not to roam free.  Any dog that habitually barks, yelps or howls is a public nuisance. Please keep your animals quiet at all times.

 Recycling / Compost Pile / Clean-Up Dumpsters

  • Compost Pile Information - Compost pile is to be used for yard and tree clippings.  Leaves, Wood that will burn, etc… Not to be used for Trash, old appliances, mattresses, box springs, paint cans, oil cans or bottles, glass, or any metal or concrete.
  • Recycling - who is our provider, what should be place in the container, etc :   Waste Management--See Attachments
  • Cardboard/Newspaper Dumpster - Can be used for anyone that has excessive amounts of cardboard of newspaper to get rid of.   They may also put them in their single sort recycle tote for pickup 1st Monday of each month.
  • Clean-up Day Dumpster - when does the first one arrive—First clean up day rolloff will be at the parking lot of the City Hall by Friday Afternoon April 17, 2013. The City Council approved  of an alternative method for the residents of Hatton to rid themselves of the clean-up items that they now have to wait a year to dispose of. The City of Hatton will provide a Roll off as a service to the City Residents who wish to dispose of any cleanup items that they have.  When the roll off is full, Waste management will be contacted to remove it and bring in an empty one, with a maximum of 5 roll offs per spring and summer season. The City will provide the roll off during the months of May, June, July, August and September.


The City of Hatton's siren sounds at Noon and at 10:00 PM every day.

 Snow Removal Policy

During the winter months we ask that you do not park on the streets.  If the streets need to be plowed and there are cars parked on the streets they will be ticketed.

 Utility Billing

Utilities include water, trash, sewer and mosquito spraying. 

All utility billings are due by the 10th of each month.  All payments received after the 10th of the month will be considered delinquent and will be assessed a $10.00 late fee.  On the 20th of each month those billings that are not paid in full will be subject to shut off and a letter will be mailed requesting payment in full.  On or about the last day of the month all billings that are delinquent will be shut off.  There will be no carry over into the next billing cycle and no partial payments are accepted.

If your payment is not received by the time indicated in the letter that you receive, you will be required to pay a non refundable $50.00 collection fee and your total amount due indicated on the shut off letter in full prior to your services being reinstated.

A drop box is on the outside of the city hall where payments may be deposited.  Our water is supplied by a pipeline hooked up to Grand Forks Water Supply.   Hatton's rate per 1,000 gallon is subject to change as Grand Forks rates change.

“Equal Opportunity Provider.”