City of Hatton, North Dakota

   15.1°   Mostly Cloudy and Breezy

Water Quality Reports

The Hatton City 2007 Consumer Confidence report regarding the quality of the water consumed in the city is now available for viewing at Hatton City Hall, and on The Hatton Website.

The report will not be mailed to individual households unless requested.  If an individual would like a copy of the report please contact the city office at 543-3243 and one will be mailed.

Attached Document or File2018 CCR (docx)
Attached Document or File2015 CCR (doc)
Attached Document or File2014 CCR (PDF)
Attached Document or File2013 CCR (PDF)
Attached Document or File2012 CCR (PDF)
Attached Document or File2011 CCR (doc)
Attached Document or File2010 CCR (doc)
Attached Document or File2009 CCR (doc)
Attached Document or File2008 CCR (doc)
Attached Document or File2007 CCR (doc)
Attached Document or File2006 CCR (doc)
“Equal Opportunity Provider.”