City Organizations

The City of Hatton has several organization that assist our community and provide varies activities.  Below is a list of these organizations and how they contribute to our community.

 American Legion

Promote and support Americanism, Boys State, and Legion Baseball program.

 American Legion Auxiliary

Girls State opportunity and helps raise money for VA Hospitals


Enhance the beauty of Hatton by planting new trees, maintaining sitting parks, and planting flowers all over town.

 Hatton Centennial Community Center

Community facility rental for weddings, dances/receptions, reunions, meetings, banquets, etc.

 Hatton Community Club

It is the sponsoring organization for the Hatton Community Club 4-plexes (elderly / family / low income housing) and the Hatton Economic Development Corporation.

 Hatton Community Theater

Provides theatrical entertainment and promotes fine arts to the community of Hatton & surrounding areas. 

 Hatton Economic Development Corp

Active entity in business development and retention in the Hatton community.

  Hatton-Eielson Museum Board

The lovely Queen Anne Architecture home of Carl Ben Eielson.  It displays aviation history, local history of Hatton and is furnished with original Eielson furniture.

 Hatton Helping Hands Food Pantry

Supplies food and hygiene items to residents in the community in need.  The pantry is open 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month from 3-5 pm.  It is located at 417 7th St (use rear door).
For additional information or emergency help call Faye Duncan 701-430-9869.  

  Hatton's Men Club

Non-profit service organization serving the Hatton community.  All money earned through events is donated back to the community.

 Hatton-Northwood Booster Club

Support Hatton and Northwood High School extracurricular activities

  Hatton Park District

Maintains playgrounds, campground, trailer park, organizes baseball and softball programs and 2 Fields.  

 Hatton Prairie Village Loyalty Club

Does fundraising for the Tri-County Nursing Home to supply items such as wheelchairs and equipment.  A few events are pie & ice cream social, rummage sales, etc.